Every semester, each FAU graduating class hosts an exhibition to showcase the work of their class. Stratus was developed by the students of the Fall 2023 class, seeking to embody the phrase “The Sky is the Limit”.  

Through persistence and hard work, the fall class of 2023 has honed their design skills, refining each of their portfolio items throughout the semester. The final works shown represent the culmination of each Designer’s development throughout the program.



The STRATUS FAU BFA Exhibition will be held in the Ft Lauderdale Metrolab, an academic space that serves as a student exhibition and community engagement event space.

Address: 111 E Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/t47z1Bp1gQ1kcfCf7


The opening event will take place NOV 16th from 6-8 pm EST, and the show will remain open until Tues NOV 21st. The opening event will feature each designer and their work, food and drink will be available.

Special Thanks

Our graduating class would like to thank everyone who has made contributions to our exhibition, which has made this career-defining experience special and one to remember. We would also like to extend a special thanks to ARQUITECTONICA for sponsoring our BFA show.

Ruthie Erekson - Jason Mora - Frances Zannoni  - Denise Du Bois -Nancy Pala  - John Pala  - Eduardo Porro  - Marci Burton - Juan L Porro - Rabab Mourtada - Frankie Porro - Brandon Lee- Danielle Mannarino -Arnaud Winter - Alejandro Porro

Contact us:
︎: stratusbfa